Generating photovoltaic PV power for commercial projects is a massive eco-friendly and green generating power projects as we produce huge amount of energy to supply the project like Factories, Mall, Buildings and Also for a Solar Power Energy Plants’ Projects.
Generating this power requires a very specific study, methos and installation tools like knowing the type of the system (mostly going with ON Grid or Hybrid), The usable installing area, Protection Devices, Types of Solar Panels and Energy Storage Systems, if needed.
Our systems rely on a high-quality energy production by our Solar Panels, high efficiency Inverters to convert Direct Current (DC) from the solar panels to Alternative Current (AC) to the Combiner and Distribution Board (DB) which has the Protection Devices as Fuses, Circuit Breakers, Surge Protection Devices (SPD), DC Isolators and AC Isolators which can handle long-term use and heavy electrical loads.
From 400 W to 550 W
ON Grid & Hybrid
Devices Can Handle Heavy Electrical Loads